Contract Vehicles

GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS)
Contract No. GS-35F-616GA
The General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) is a governmentwide, indefinitely delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract that provides federal, state, and local government agencies with state-of-the-art IT products, solutions, and services. GSA supports the procurement process for all agencies to ensure compliance, competitive prices, and short acquisition.
This Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) provides a streamlined, efficient process for ordering services from our company, and GSA has determined that we meet the technical requirements and that our prices are fair and reasonable.
Ordering Period: Aug 10, 2022 – Aug 9, 2027
Task Order Types: The contract allows for the placement of Firm Fixed Price (FFP) or Time and Materials (T&M) task orders using the labor categories and ceiling rates defined in the contract.
Eligibility: Available for use by all Federal agencies, Executive agencies, mixed ownership government corporations, and the District of Columbia.
Industrial Funding Fee (IFF): 0.75% | The IFF covers GSA’s operating costs for the FSS program. This fee is a fixed percentage of reported sales under GSA Schedule contracts paid quarterly to GSA by us. This fee is included in the price government agencies pay when they purchase items from a Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contract.
- IT Professional Services, 54151S
- Order Level Materials (OLM)
- Health IT Services 54151HEAL
- Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services 54151HACS
IT Professional Services, 54151S
IT Professional Services includes the following:
- Cognitive computing
- Conversion and implementation support
- Database planning and design
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- IT project management
- Migration services (of all kinds)
- Network services
- Programming
- Resources and facilities management
- Systems analysis, design, and implementation
- Other services
Order Level Materials (OLM)
Supplies and/or services acquired in direct support of an individual task or delivery order placed against a GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contract or BPA. OLM procedures may be used to acquire other direct cost (ODC) items to support MAS orders. Whenever these procedures are applied to ODCs at the order level, the ODCs become Schedule items and the entire order is considered a Schedule buy under Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) subpart 8.4.
Price List: Our GSA FSS Authorized Pricelist can be found here.
Ordering Procedures: Instructions for placing orders for services can be found in our Authorized Pricelist.