Contract Vehicles

8(a) Streamlined Technology Acquisition Resources for Services (STARS) III
Contract No. 47QTCB22D0200
The 8(a) Streamlined Technology Acquisition Resource for Services (STARS) III Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC), a/k/a “STARS III”, is a Multiple Award, Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (MA-IDIQ) contract to provide information technology (IT) services, and IT services-based solutions, and the integration of ancillary services and equipment which is necessary and integral to the IT services being acquired. STARS III Master Contract awards are reserved exclusively for qualifying Small Business Administration (SBA) certified 8(a) prime contractors with competitive prices.
The Best-in-Class 8(a) STARS III GWAC is a small business set-aside contract that provides flexible access to customized IT solutions from a large, diverse pool of 8(a) industry partners.
- Expands capabilities for emerging technologies
- Supports outside of the continental United States (OCONUS) and CONUS requirements
- Features limited protestability up to $10M
- Offers guidance from GSA including free scope review services and market research
Base Ordering Period: Jul 2, 2021 – Jul 1, 2026
Task Order Types: Fixed-Price, Time and Materials, Labor Hour, and hybrid.
Eligibility: Organizations authorized in GSA Order OGP 4800.2I, may use the GWACs covered by this ordering guide which can be found at:
Contract Access Fee (CAF): 0.75% | The CAF is a fixed percentage applied to the total amount paid on each invoice (including ancillary support and travel) to cover GSA’s operating costs for the STARS III program. The fee is paid by the ordering agency but remitted to GSA by our company.
IT Services / IT Services-based Solution
- Data Management
- Information and Communications Technology
- IT Operations and Maintenance
- IT Security / IT Workforce Augmentation
- Software Development
- Systems Design
Ancillary Support (Services & Equipment)
Integral and necessary for the IT services-based solution include: IT project planning/management, clerical support, training, construction, alteration and repair; telecommunications/wireless transport, additional labor categories, hardware, software, software licenses, racks, mounts, etc.
Scope Sub-Area 1: Emerging Technology-Focused IT Services
- Artificial Intelligence (including Machine Learning, Deep Learning/Neural Networks, Natural Language Generation)
- Autonomic Computing
- Blockchain / Distributed Ledger
- Quantum Computing
- Robotic Process Automation
- Technological Convergence
- Virtual Reality (including Augmented Reality, Extended Reality, Mixed Reality)
Scope Sub-Area 2: IT Services Performed Outside of CONUS
Price List: Our STARS III Price List can be found here.
Ordering Procedures: Instructions for placing orders for services can be found in the Small Business Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts Ordering Guide located here.
Training and Delegation of Procurement Authority (DPA): Federal Contracting Officers who wish to issue or administer orders on this vehicle must receive applicable overview training and Delegation of Procurement Authority (DPA), making them Ordering Contracting Officers (OCOs.) It is a best practice for a DPA to be in place before a GWAC opportunity is competed, and a DPA is required prior to issuing and administering orders. Start your DPA Training by selecting the link below: